Lead Paint Inspection

A lead-based paint inspection is a surface-by-surface investigation to determine whether there is lead-based paint in a home or child-occupied facility, and where it is located. Inspections can be legally performed only by certified inspectors or risk assessors. Lead-based paint inspections are particularly helpful in determining whether lead-based paint is present prior to purchasing, renting, or renovating a home, and identifying potential sources of lead exposure at any time.

ESD is qualified to perform lead-based inspections in the state of Maryland.  ESD will conduct a visual inspection of “ALL INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR PAINTED SURFACES” for chipping, peeling and/or flaking painted surfaces.  After verifying paint conditions meet the standard, ESD will collect dust wipe samples from each room.  Dust Wipe samples are taken on window sills, window wells and floors.  Two samples are taken in rooms without replacement windows.  One sample is taken in rooms with all replacement windows and rooms with no windows. Each dust sample must be analyzed by a qualified laboratory, and the results must fall below specified levels.
