Inter-county Connector (ICC)
Inter-county Connector (ICC) – MD 200
The 18-mile ICC begins west of I-270/I-370 in Montgomery County, MD and extends east to US 1 in Prince George’s County, MD. The ICC is a limited access toll facility with 8 full interchanges, 1 partial interchange (entrance only), and 1 intersection. The ICC project consisted of Contract A, B, C, D and E, involved over 1,500 acres of land disturbance, and cost about $2.5 billion.
ESDA’s Daniel O’Leary was the lead water resources engineer on behalf of Maryland State Highway Administration for this massive, design-build project both as an ESDA employee and under a prior employer. Under the prior employer Dan started in 2003 on the ICC while the project was in the planning stages and developed portions of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and EIS, helped secure Federal Highway Administration’s Record of Decision, negotiated permit conditions and establishment of project commitments, participated in development of procurement documents and design-build contractor selection for each contract, coordinated permits with regulators, interacted with the public, participated in construction modifications and design-build progress meetings, and performed project management for environmental stewardship and compensatory mitigation projects. Dan was deeply involved with ensuring project compliance with Montgomery County Special Protection Area requirements in North Branch Rock Creek and Paint Branch watersheds. In 2014 Dan left his prior employer and secured a contract with MSHA directly to continue working on the ICC regarding development of as-built surveys for BMPs, transitioning the project from MSHA construction to MDTA maintenance, and settlement of outstanding construction claims on Contract D/E.
ESDA Engineer Mahendra Bastakoti, while under a prior employer, was involved in two design packages for ICC; Contract C and Contract D/E for Environmental Water Resources design and management involving design and analysis of storm drain system, culverts, outfalls, SWM, Best Management Practices (BMPs), ESC, and hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) modeling.
Mahendra worked on and managed a water resources design team under two design-build contractors to develop plans, computations, and details for SWM, ESC and storm drain design. At the US 29 interchange Mahendra developed a complicated highway H&H model for the project integrating existing SWM facilities, proposed SWM facilities, a large storm drain trunk line and several bypass areas into the model. Contract C H&H / TR-20 model incorporated a partial flow diversion to the existing Auto-park Pond to maintain 1-year peak flow at the point of interest. Additionally Mahendra managed sub-consultants, project schedule, budget and quality on these projects and completed shop drawing reviews for these projects while under construction.
Environmental Stewardship and Compensatory (ES & CM)
To secure FHWA’s Record of Decision, MSHA had to negotiate environmental permit conditions with the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Maryland Department of Environment. As part of the negotiations MSHA committed to a $25M program to mitigate impacts through CM projects and go above and beyond with ES projects. The ES & CM program spawned 15 projects that ranged from forest to parkland to stream and wetland impact mitigation, and stream restoration, groundwater augmentation and stormwater retrofit stewardship projects. As a representative of MSHA Dan was involved in many site searches, field reconnaissance, concept development, project management, permitting and project modifications for ES and CM projects.
Wetland Mitigation and Stream Restoration Design for ICC Stream Mitigation Site: SC-A, Montgomery County, MD
SC-A is a Wetland Mitigation and Stream Restoration site, located in Goshen Branch Stream Valley Park in Montgomery County. The project is a part of the overall ES & CM Program for the ICC. SC-A involved creation of 21.73 acres of forested wetlands, 0.38 acre of ephemeral pools, 8.12 acres of riparian floodplain forest, and 7.33 acres of upland forest communities. The project proposes 4,971 linear feet of stream restoration using Rosgen Geomorphic Channel Design Methodology (USDA, 2007).
On SC-A Mahendra prepared wetland mitigation and stream restoration design plans, computations, details, grading plans, and report. Mahendra developed hydrology for ESC structures, ESC design plans, computations, and report for the project.
Note: The stream restoration pictures were taken near the beginning of between a 1-year and 2-year storm / bankfull event.